Showcase of British culture (food and clothes)

Many characteristic elements of British culture were featured in advertisements, particularly the tradition of afternoon tea and traditional clothing styles. Some of the examples below are more subtle than others, promoting their goods or services without overtly mentioning or referring to any British element in their titles, leaving that type of information to small descriptions, as in the ad for “Almacenes Te”. However, other ads directly referred to British culture by using words like ‘English' or ‘Queen’ repeatedly, as in “W. D. Vaughan & Co” or “English Outfitting Store.” This constant allusion to British culture, and these opportunities for Chileans to buy British goods and integrate them into their day-to-day routines, might have helped these elements to become embedded in Chile’s culture. These advertisements graphically represent the close relations existent between these two countries as well as the importance given to British mercantile goods during this era.

The Valparaiso and West Coast Mail July 03, 1868 pg. 6 (B).png

Ad for For Sale, from The Valparaiso and West Coast Mail, July 03, 1868

This advertisement features the word ‘English’ various times, indicating that the products are legitimately from this country while also selling a British aesthetic to a Chilean audience.

The Valparaiso and West Coast Mail July 03, 1868 pg. 7 (B).png

Ad for Almacenes Té, from The Valparaiso and West Coast Mail, July 03, 1868

This advertisement is focused on selling tea, a beverage commonly associated with British culture, and on ensuring the superiority and quality of its products. The ad also uses the word ‘English’ in some of its descriptions.

The Star of Chile, Oct 8, 1904 p. 1 (B).png

Ad for English Outfitting Store, from The Star of Chile, October 08, 1904

This advertisement promotes English-style clothes of the “best quality,” selling a British aesthetic to Chileans as well as to the British resident in the region. The language of the ad implies that “gentlemen” will certainly dress in English fashion.

The Star of Chile. Oct 8, 1904. pg. 2 (B).png

Ad for The English Stores, from The Star of Chile, October 08, 1904

This advertisement promotes different types of clothing in what was considered the English style, again giving those residents in Chile the opportunity to follow a British dress code.

The Valparaíso Review  v.2, n.1 p. 53 (B).png

Ad for W. D. Vaughan & Co., from The Valparaiso Review

This advertisement promotes different types of tea “blended in London and sold in this country exactly as used at home,” helping to transfer a British tradition to Chile. The ad also claims that these goods are “as supplied to the Queen” to denote the connection of their product with the highest ranks in England.

British Culture